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The Need For Training In The Hospitality Industry

The Need For Training In The Hospitality Industry

The Need For Training In The Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is often seen as one that prefers on-the-job experience, and while that may be true to a certain extent, it’s also becoming very clear that formal training is also needed.  Research indicates that staff performance is one of the most important factors affecting customer spending.

The most respondents to a HospitalityGEM survey felt that independent restaurants had the best-trained staff. Hotel restaurants and chains came in behind, neck and neck.  But less than 10% of respondents pointed to pubs and wet-led bars.

Communication style was most often cited as the issue which required the most attention in wet-pubs, while the speed of service was felt to be lacking in bars. In addition to service efficiency and communication, respondents were also critical of staff’s knowledge of their restaurant’s menu.

More than half of all respondents said that they would increase their spending on many of their visits had the staff been better trained.

What can we do in the hospitality industry?

The need for training is clear. How to go about it, less so.  Perhaps it is time for some sectors to take a look at how they are introducing new employees to their staff. Are they being thrown in the deep end, or are they being thoroughly and conscientiously trained? Is training something that’s being evaluated by management?

And for that matter, is management training and continuing their education? When the upper management and middle management show their own commitment to training and education, it influences the culture of the organisation, whether that organisation is a humble pub or a Michelin star restaurant.

Taking the right steps

Meet with your staff and discuss in-house training practices. Often, staff members will be more than happy to share with you the things that they themselves are insecure about, when given an open, safe forum.

Also, consider incorporating third party training courses and education into your ongoing focus on employee training. These courses can be a chance for you to introduce brand new skills and abilities into your organisation.

Emphasize that additional training isn’t a punishment but a reward for employees participating.  It will help create a better experience for your customers, and it will strengthen your overall ability to serve them. Furthermore, you may find that additional training and a focus on great performance help boost morale in your business.



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